Andrew Keith Denham Portrait

Mr Andrew Denham

Senior Lecturer


I am Senior Lecturer on the undergraduate and masters courses in Graphic Design. My areas of expertise include motion graphics, information design, web design, digital aesthetics and interaction design. Previously I taught on the undergraduate degrees in Web Design, Design for Interactive Media [DIM] and Communication Design. After joining the University in 2003, I was heavily involved in shaping the course structure, ethos and curriculum for the Web Design and DIM undergraduate courses.

My first degree was in Fine Art and English Literature [specialism in painting] while my Masters degree is in Computing in Design [Digital Arts] at the renowned Lansdown Centre for Electronic Arts at Middlesex University. The major work focused on multi-sensory interaction / user mediation in artificial environments [programmed in ‘C’ language]. I have a Postgraduate Certificate in Education - qualified as an Art and Design / Design Technology teacher – and extensive experience of teaching in the secondary sector. Prior to joining the University of Portsmouth in 2003, I worked for several years in commercial design practice with responsibilities in web design and sequential design [permanent and freelance positions].

Research interests

Current research 
My research interests lie within the below field/s:

[1] Design thinking: an ontology in digital / web aesthetics [paradigm, form, function]
[2] Pedagogic research: an epistemology of digital reading practices 

Practice-based PhD research studies: 
MPhil & PhD in Arts & Computational Technology [ACT] in the Department of Computing, Goldsmiths, University of London [expected 2014 - 2020]

PhD title: Mapping the aestheticisation of digital reading practices