
I have over 25 years’ experience of both teaching and research in dentistry. I have taught undergraduate and postgraduate dental students, dental nurses, dental hygienists and dental therapists. I am supervising a PhD in dental education and I have supervised over 60 MSc projects over the last 9 years. I have led the development of several new and innovative non degree based courses including online courses, short CPD courses, Overseas Registration Examination (ORE) revision courses & London Deanery courses, at UCL Eastman CPD. I recently initiated a collaboration with the British Association of Dental Therapists to deliver dedicated courses for dental hygienists and therapists. In addition, I have led the development of overseas courses for dentists in various countries. I have led the development of a part-time flexible master’s in restorative dentistry at UCL Eastman Dental Institute and I have introduced new innovative methods of assessment (e.g. online Moodle based assessment & reflective diaries). In 2015 I received an International Mature Teachers award for Excellence in Dental Education from the Association for Dental Education in Europe (ADEE).

Research interests

My research interests are currently in dental education and prosthodontic/restorative dentistry. I am interested in student assessment and feedback, the role of mental imagery in the learning of practical skills, the development & evaluation of novel teaching techniques (e.g. ‘flipping’), the impact of PG teaching on clinical practice and the training requirements of vocational dental practitioners. I present my work regularly at the International Association for Dental Research (IADR) and Association for Dental Education in Europe (ADEE) conferences.

Research outputs


Reviewing assessment strategies in European dental schools

Fine, P., Leung, A., Louca, C., Tonni, I.

1 Sep 2024, In: Journal of Dentistry. 148, 7p., 105091

Effect of different finishing systems on surface roughness and gloss of a 3D-printed material for permanent dental use

Balestra, D., Louca, C., Vichi, A.

19 Aug 2024, In: Applied Sciences. 14, 16, 12p., 7289

Evaluation of postgraduate foundation training for dental therapists: does participation enhance career prospects?

King, L. E. G. C., Louca, C., Machuca-Vargas, C., Radford, D. R.

5 Aug 2024, In: British Dental Journal

Socioenvironmental sugar promotion and geographical inequalities in dental health of 5‐year‐old children in England

Ganbavale, S. G., Louca, C., Twigg, L., Wanyonyi, K.

1 Aug 2024, In: Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology. 52, 4, p. 581-589, 9p.

Oral manifestations of long COVID and the views of healthcare professionals

Louca, C., Machuca vargas, C., Patel, D.

26 Jan 2024, In: British Dental Journal. 236, 2, p. 111-116, 6p.


Translucency of lithium-based silicate glass–ceramics blocks for CAD/CAM procedures: a narrative review

Louca, C., Mutahar, M., Paolone, G., Vichi, A., Zhao, Z.

27 Sep 2023, In: Materials. 16, 19, 12p., 6441

Dental teacher feedback and student learning: a qualitative study

Fine, P., Leung, A., Louca, C., Tonni, I.

30 Jun 2023, In: Dentistry Journal. 11, 7, 12p., 164

Flexural strength of CAD/CAM lithium-based silicate glass–ceramics: a narrative review

Louca, C., Munoz, A., Paolone, G., Vichi, A., Zhao, Z.

15 Jun 2023, In: Materials. 16, 12, 12p., 4398

Students' perceptions of tutor feedback: a pilot study

Fine, P., Leung, A., Louca, C., Paganelli, C., Tonni, I.

1 Apr 2023, In: Minerva Dental and Oral Science. 72, 2, p. 61-68, 8p.

Translucency of CAD/CAM and printable composite materials for permanent dental restorations

Balestra, D., Louca, C., Paolone, G., Scotti, N., Vichi, A.

15 Mar 2023, In: Polymers. 15, 6, 13p., 1443

View all my research outputs