Emmanuel Godin Portrait

Mr Emmanuel Godin


Emmanuel Godin’s research interests cluster around the history and the present political dynamics of the French right within its European context. Emmanuel regularly contributes reviews on French politics and society to journals such as Journal of Contemporary European Studies, Modern and Contemporary France and French studies.

Research interests

Research Clusters

  • Francophone Studies

Discipline Areas

  • Politics
  • History

Current Research Projects

Emmanuel is currently working on the French and European extreme and mainstream right. With Andrea Mammone and Brian Jenkins, he edited Mapping the Extreme Right in Contemporary Europe From Local to Transnational (2012) and Varieties of Right-Wing Extremism in Europe (2013) as part of Routledge’s Extremism and Democracy series. In May 2013, with Prof. Dave Hanley, he edited a special issue for the Journal of Contemporary European Studies: ‘ No Enemies on the Right? Competition and Collusion between Conservatives, Moderates and Extreme Right Parties in Europe’ including an article on ‘The Porosity between the Mainstream Right and Extreme Right in France’ : He completed a chapter on ‘The European extreme right in search for respectability?’ for the International Handbook of Hate Crime (2015), Routledge, edited by Nathan Hall et al.  Finally, with Prof. Martin Evans (Sussex) , he co-wrote  France since 1815, London Arnold, which was first publishes in 2003 and republished in 2013.