
I discovered Psychology during my Undergraduate Studies at the University Paris Ouest, Nanterre LaDéfense, where I specialised in Child Development. I committed to work with and for children after my very first placements in schools and research laboratories. These experiences convinced me of the importance of studying child development both on a social and intellectual level. I believe that adults have a duty of care towards children, and research allows us to have a space to reflect on the best conditions we can offer for children to thrive. The intellectual richness of working with children also struck me, as they are not simply 'mini adults' but individuals experiencing complex developmental changes and needs. 

I consolidated my research skills by completing a Research Master in Cognitive Sciences in Paris. The program spanned across three high-quality institutions (Ecole Normale Supérieure, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Université Paris Descartes) which allowed me to approach different levels of investigation, encompassing Education, Psychology, Neuroscience and Philosophy. During my Masters studies I co-created a charity called CogniJunior which aimed at disseminating knowledge about cognitive science to children and teachers. On the research side, I studied the longitudinal development of language skills among primary school children, within the Laboratory of Educational Sciences at the Université Grenoble Alpes. I also travelled to the United Kingdom for the first time and established connections with the Centre for Educational Neuroscience in London, which gathers researchers from Birkbeck College and University College London. 

This visit convinced me to start and complete a PhD in Psychological Sciences at Birkbeck College, under the supervision of Prof Denis Mareschal and Prof Natasha Kirkham. I published several studies looking at the impact of classroom noise on school performance in primary school. I particularly enjoyed working with educators and combined experimental methods with studies in classrooms. The collaborative project we built with Philippe Frasetto, a primary school teacher based in Corsica won the Early Career Public Engagement Award from Birkbeck University in 2019.

In the year 2019/2020, I took on various teaching and research positions across Birkbeck College and the Institute of Education at University College London. I taught Research Methods, delivered Guest Lectures and supervised Dissertations at the Postgraduate level. I investigated oral language skills upon school entry with Prof Julie Dockrell, Dr Emma Sumner and Dr Anna Llaurado. I was the EARLI SIG 22 “Neuroscience and Education” JURE coordinator in the period 2019-2021. In 2021 I joined the Action Against Stunting research project, investigating the impact of growth impairment on child development using a multi-disciplinary and international perspective, before undertaking my current Lectureship at the University of Portsmouth. 

Research interests

I am interest in how children perceive their classroom environment. I do participatory, school-based research, collaborating with teachers and pupils. I am a Chartered Member of the British Psychological Society (CPsychol). 

I am also member of the COST Action (European Cooperation in Science and Technology): A European consortium to study how complex, real-world environments influence brain development (Co-I; PI: Prof Sam Wass from University of East London). 

Current research projects:

  • Evaluating what works in the classroom - Qualitative study to unpack the concept of 'evidence' from the point of view of primary school teachers (PI) with Dr Isabelle Le Brun (Co-I) and Adeline Lucchesi (Research Assistant). Funded by the FHSS Research Support Fund. 
  • Co-Constructing a sensory audit tool to adapt the physical environment to primary school children's sensory needs (PI) with Dr Dora Mavridou (Co-I). Funded by the University of Portsmouth TRIF Funding Scheme.
  •  'Examining how auditory profiles mediate the impact of classroom noise on autistic children's classroom behaviour', funded by the ESRC South Doctoral Training Grant 1+3 Studentship for James Baggott (2nd Supervisor) (2023-2027)
  • Language Development in the Primary School Years in France (Collaboration with Prof Pascal Bressoux, Prof Maryse Bianco and Prof Michel Fayol from Grenoble Alpes University and Clermont Auvergne University)

Teaching responsibilities

I am the Course Leader for the Professional Doctorate in Education. 

I am also the Module Coordinator for:

  • Philosophy and Practice of Educational Research (Postgraduate, Level 8)
  • Issues Relating to Children and Young People's Mental Health (Undergraduate, Level 6)
  • Child and Youth Development (Undergraduate, Level 4)

I supervise Dissertations, both at the Undergraduate (Level 6) and Postgraduate (Level 7) levels. I also supervise Professional Doctorates (EdD) and Doctorates (PhD).

Research outputs


Creating culturally-informed protocols for a stunting intervention using a situated values-based approach (WeValue InSitu): a double case study in Indonesia and Senegal

Anggorowati, R., Chapman, A. J., Dial, F. B., Diallo, A. H., Ebido, C. C., Firoozmand, M., Harder, M., Huang, Y., Kolopaking, R., Massonnie, J., Niang, C. E. H. A., Sougou, N. M., Tening, R. N.

9 Apr 2024, In: BMC Public Health. 24, 18p., 987

Measurement of cognition and profiling early learning environments in India, Indonesia, and Senegal: a UKRI GCRF Action Against Stunting Hub protocol paper

Ang, L., Dockrell, J., Fernandez-Rao, S., Heffernan, C., Kolopaking, R., Massonnie, J., Munoz-Chereau, B., Ndiaye, M.

27 Feb 2024, In: BMJ Paediatrics Open. 8, 8p., e001685

View all my research outputs