Research outputs


Digital intervention (Renewed) to support symptom management, wellbeing, and quality of life among cancer survivors in primary care: a randomised controlled trial

Bacon, R., Barnett, J., Bradbury, K., Böhning, D., Chalder, T., Cheetham-Blake, T., Corbett, T., Easton, S., Eccles, D., Foster, C., Geraghty, A. W., Griffiths, G., Grimmett, C., Heber, E., Joseph, J., Krusche, A., Lawrence, M., Leydon, G., Little, P., Müller, A. M., Neal, R. D., Nutall, J., Osborne, R., Payne, L., Pollet, S., Raftery, J., Rathod, S., Richardson, A., Rogers, K., Sharman, G., Singh, K., Slodowska-Barabasz, J., Smith, J., Smith, K. A., Steele, M., Stephens, R., Stuart, B., Turner, L., Watson, E., Webley, F., Wilde, L., Wilkinson, C., Yao, G. L., Yardley, L., Zhu, S.

13 Jan 2025, In: British Journal of General Practice, 9p.

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