Mrs Lucy Merry-Williams
Since qualifying as a registered adult nurse, from the University of Southampton in 2010, Lucy has had the privilege of working in a variety of clinical setting across the NHS.
Starting as a band 5 staff nurse in the surgical remit of nursing, Lucy had the opportunity to solidify her fundamental clinical and leadership skills that she had learned as a student nurse, before following her passion and undertaking a band 6 senior staff nurse position within Emergency Care.
In 2015, Lucy undertook independent study and topped up her nursing qualification from an Advanced Diploma to a 1st Degree, this was before she changed career direction and undertook a Macmillan supported role as an End of Life Care Facilitator.
Embracing this specialist role led Lucy to build strong relationships with key stakeholders within the Trust, which in turn supported her to create a new service that cared for patients and their loved ones at the end of life.
Lucy personally created processes and policies, some of which have been subsequently recognised at the national level, and delivered bespoke training to Trust staff on End of Life Care. During this time Lucy also attained the nurse prescribing qualification and was awarded an MSc in Clinical Leadership for Cancer, Palliative and End of Life Care.
In 2020, during COVID, Lucy’s transferrable skills in palliative and end of life care enabled her to support the Trust by undertaking a role of Ward Sister on a COVID Isolation Unit. This then led to a Ward Sisters post within the Emergency floor before transferring to a Matrons post within the medical division.
In 2022, Lucy joined the School of Health and Care Professions at the University of Portsmouth as a Senior Teaching Fellow. Lucy’s wealth of knowledge and skill enables her to teach across the adult nursing, mental health nursing and physician associate courses. Lucy holds a particular interest in acute care, palliative and end of life care, leadership and management, service improvement and the management of change.