
I completed my PhD in experimental psychology at the University of Reading and have held subsequent academic positions at the University of Winchester, the University of South Carolina Upstate, the University of North Georgia, and Western Carolina University. I took up my post here at Portsmouth in August 2016.

Research interests

I am a member of the Department’s International Centre for Research in Forensic Psychology (ICRFP) with primary interests in the effects of acute alcohol intoxication on scene perception, eyewitness memory, face identification, face processing, police composite construction, selective listening and auditory memory. Secondary interests include serial recall, free recall, the auditory modality effect, executive tasks and the structure and processes of human episodic memory. I have also published papers on the teaching and learning of psychology in higher education.

Teaching responsibilities

I am Subject Lead for the department’s combined honours psychology courses and module coordinator for the Introduction to the Human World module, which is part of the Faculty of Science & Health's new BSc Science with Foundation Year course. I also supervise undergraduate and postgraduate projects and tutor students on the BSc Psychology, BSc Forensic Psychology and BSc Science (Foundation Year) courses.

Research outputs


Impaired face symmetry detection under alcohol, but no “beer goggles” effect

Harvey, A., Madelin, K., Morrison, E., White, C.

8 Dec 2023, In: Journal of Psychopharmacology

View all my research outputs