
I am the Research Lead of the Global Plastics Policy Centre at the University of Portsmouth. I also direct one of the high impact research areas for the University’s Revolution Plastics Institute, examining socio-economic solutions to reduce plastic pollution.

My research and practice is focused on policy and governance, specialising in the two interconnected areas of plastic pollution and the transition to a sustainable blue economy. 

I led the design of the world's first evaluation framework to assess plastics policies around the world for how well they work in practice. This research by the Global Plastics Policy Centre provides evidence-based guidance to governments and international agencies on effective policy making, thereby supporting national plans and translating international policy into actionable strategies. 

I am currently supporting the ongoing international negotiations for the legally-binding United Nations Global Plastics Treaty by supplying policy briefs and scientific guidance to negotiators and decision makers.

My other area of expertise is the Blue Economy. Within the Centre for Blue Governance, I develop tools and approaches to more sustainable and equitable marine and freshwater resource management, including fisheries, waste management, tourism and conservation activity. I have been involved in designing the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Transition Framework to support countries to deliver a Sustainable Blue Economy since 2020. 

I provide advisory and consultancy services on plastics policy and the blue economy to governments around the world, as well as major development agencies such as the World Bank, African Development Bank, European Commission, Africa-Europe Foundation, and the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa. 


I studied Marine Biology and Applied Biology (Conservation) at the University of Cape Town, South Africa, followed by an MSc in Coastal and Marine Resource Management at the University of Portsmouth. I am currently completing a PhD in Blue Economy and Ocean Policy (by publication) at the University of Portsmouth.

During my Master’s degree I began working as a Research Associate and Communications Lead for the Centre for Blue Governance. I joined the Revolution Plastics Institute in 2020, leading research for the Global Plastics Policy Centre.

Alongside my academic roles, I also work as a consultant, providing expertise on blue economy strategy development, the circular economy, marine conservation, and waste management to various international organisations and governments.

Prior to my academic career, I worked in marine conservation field research and diving as an Open Water SCUBA Instructor. This gave me first hand experience of some of the challenges associated with competing activities in the marine space, as well as the value of having evidence-based, informed decision making processes for marine protected areas and other marine spaces that influence local communities. From this, I was inspired to pursue a career in ensuring all voices are heard in decision making, and that policy is based on the best available evidence.

Research interests

My primary research interests include: 

  • Designing effective plastics policy, and plastic-climate synergies.
  • Blue governance and the Blue Economy, including blue finance, Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), and small-scale fisheries management.
  • Community based management, environmental and social safeguards (ESMS), and equitable resource sharing.

I am interested in how policy and resource management can be streamlined by looking at synergies between ocean, plastics, climate, the blue economy, human rights and economic development. Adopting a holistic approach enables policy and tools to be designed in a way that delivers multiple co-benefits, reduces the load on capacity and resources, and makes governance more efficient.

My research with the Revolution Plastics Institute interrogates the arts-policy interface to make policy and law more accessible to all actors, and to help bridge the gap between grassroots organisations and government. 

Media availability

I am happy to take calls and emails from the media on my research, and am aware of the need to respond to journalists in a timely manner. Please email

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