Dr Branislav Hock
Dr Branislav Hock is Associate Professor in Economic Crime & Compliance and the Lead of the Economic Crime Research Group at the School of Criminology and Criminal Justice (SCCJ). He is an author of Extraterritoriality and International Bribery: A Collective Action Perspective, Routledge 2020. Branislav has been involved in a broad range of research activities, many have been related to Transnational Economic Crime, Anti-Corruption, and Compliance. Branislav is the founding member of the European Compliance Center. Prior to joining the SCCJ, Branislav worked as a researcher at the Tilburg Law and Economics Center (TILEC), where he completed a PhD in anti-corruption law. Branislav was also involved in various other projects: for example, he worked in the Private Office of the Dutch Member of the European Court of Auditors on a performance audit measuring the effectiveness of public procurement of European Union Institutions.
Dr Hock currently supervises doctoral projects in the areas of international corruption and bribery, money-laundering, and corporate compliance, and welcomes PhD proposals on these topics.
Research interests
- Transnational Economic Crime
- Anti-Corruption Law
- Compliance
- Law & Economics
- Collective Action
- Private Ordering
- Public Procurement
- Money Laundering
- Global Sanctions
Media availability
I am available to the media to discuss any issues relating to my research interests.
Research outputs
The profile and detection of bribery in South Korea
Button, M., Hock, B., Oh, J., Park, H.
1 Feb 2025, In: Crime, Law and Social Change. 83, 16p., 15
Policing cross-border fraud ‘Above and below the surface’: mapping actions and developing a more effective global response
Button, M., Hock, B., Koh , C. S., Suh, J. B.
10 Jan 2025, In: Crime, Law and Social Change. 83, 27p., 5
What works in policing money laundering?
Button, M., Gilmour, P., Hock, B., Shepherd, D. W. J.
2 Jan 2024, In: Journal of Money Laundering Control. 27, 1, p. 5-13, 8p.
What really works in preventing fraud against organisations and do decision-makers really need to know?
Button, M., Gilmour, P., Hock, B., Shepherd, D. W. J.
1 Jan 2024, In: Security Journal. 37, 18p.
Understanding the rise of fraud in England and Wales through field theory: blip or flip?
Button, M., Gilmour, P., Hock, B., Shepherd, D. W. J.
1 Sep 2023, In: Journal of Economic Criminology. 1, 10p., 100012
Pyramid schemes are on the rise – but do those who join up deserve prosecution or compensation?
Button, M., Hock, B.
9 Jun 2023, In: The Conversation
Policing fiscal corruption: tax crime and legally corrupt institutions in the United Kingdom
Hock, B.
30 Jan 2023, In: Law and Contemporary Problems. 85, 4, p. 159-183, 25p.