Negar Akbari Portrait
Media ready expert

Dr Negar Akbari


I joined the Operations and Systems Management group at Portsmouth Faculty of Business and Law as a Lecturer in 2021. Prior to that I had two years of Post-Doc position following the completion of my PhD.

I am also the theme leader for blue energy, technologies and transport solutions at the Center for Blue Governance. This research theme mainly focuses on utilising the marine resources for providing renewable energy and intelligent marine transportation solutions and seeks to strengthen the industry-academia partnerships via collaborations and contribution to research and scientific publications. 



In 2012, I received my BSc in industrial management from Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran. I then moved to United States and completed my MSc in supply chain management in 2013 at the University of Maryland. I started my academic career in the UK by joining University of Hull in 2014 to work on an EU funded project on supply chain management of the European offshore wind industry. During the course of the project I was involved with academic organisations as well industry stakeholders to develop models on integrated supply chain management of offshore wind farms.

In 2016, I was awarded a fully funded scholarship for my PhD studies from University of Portsmouth, School of Mathematics and Physics. I completed my PhD in Management Science/Operations Research under the supervision of Professor Dylan Jones in 2019. In my research, I have applied quantitative and analytical methods to design decision making models for development and management of marine renewable energy portfolio for the UK given different sustainability objectives. The main contribution of my work has been providing management decision support tools to relevant stakeholders for transition to low carbon energy portfolio.

Research interests

My research is multidisciplinary and spans across areas related to development and applications of models for the sustainable management of renewable resources. I have published a number of research articles in internationally recognized and high impact peer reviewed journals such as European Journal of Operational Research, International Journal of Production Research, and Renewable Energy journal , as well as a book chapter. Furthermore, I have written and published industry reports and have presented the research outcomes of the projects I have been involved in at meetings and international conferences to industry and academic audience.  I am particularly interested in the following research areas:

  • Multi-criteria decision analysis
  • Optimisation and supply chain management
  • Management and development of renewable energy resources

Media availability

I am happy to take calls and emails from the media on my research, and am aware of the needs to respond to journalists in a timely manner.

Research outputs


Green port industry to support the offshore wind sector: a framework proposal

Akbari, N., Almeida, M., Cassimiro, D., Godeiro, M., Gonzalez, M., Jones, D., Nogueira, L., Santiso, A., Soares, G., Toledo, J., Vasconcelos, R.

6 Dec 2024, In: Energies. 17, 23, 26p., 6155

Logistic decisions in the installation of offshore wind farms: a conceptual framework

Akbari, N., Almeida, M., Godeiro, M., Gonzalez, M., Jones, D., Melo, D., Nascimento, G., Nogueira, L., Oprime, P., Santiso, A., Vasconcelos, R.

1 Dec 2024, In: Energies, 20p., 6004

A review on participatory multi-criteria decision-making methods for the sustainable management of fisheries

Akbari, N., Drakeford, B., Failler, P., Forse, A. P.

24 Sep 2024, In: Journal of Agricultural, Earth and Environmental Sciences

Offshore wind power growth and industrial development in emerging markets

Akbari, N., Gonzalez, M., Jones, D., Melo, D., Santiso, A., Vasconcelos, R.

21 Sep 2024, In: Energies. 17, 22p., 4712

Time-varying effects of crude oil price fluctuations on tuna fish prices

Akbari, N., Drakeford, B., Failler, P., Forse, A. P., Josupeit, H., Liu, Y., Zheng, Y.

18 Apr 2024, In: Sustainable Economies. 2, 3, 9p., 103

View all my research outputs