
I am and Associate Professor in Creative Methodologies and Education in the School of Education, Languages and Lingusitics.

I am also the institutional lead for the Education Unit of Assessment REF2029 entry.

Research interests

My research has two bifurcations:

  •  the first is my work based on my PhD thesis and employs posthuman and feminist materialist theorising in Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) place-spaces; 

  • the second is linked to challenging normative views of method/ology and knowledge production in conference spaces. These utilise working with feminist- materialist, posthumanist, research-creation and post-qualitative modes of knowledge production.

My research interests have been driven by my background in ECEC and teaching. I have shifted towards a posthuman, feminist materialist theoretical position as it enables me to have a new purchase on events and their connections to place-space. My scholarship seeks to broaden current views and aims to produce a more generative, relational, connected, ethical and political way to enact ECEC research. My research is theoretical, but has been empirically applied in my articles on place-space, curriculum, leadership, emotional labour, gender and teacher training. It includes an ongoing project which has given me the opportunity to explore posthuman subjectivity and places-spaces in ECEC classrooms and gardens. These will be included in my forthcoming book Place-Space Methodologies in Early Childhood Education and Care.

I am a founder member of an International research collective exploring research-creation, post-qualitative method/ology and knowledge production at/in conference spaces. We have engaged in numerous workshops and have produced acadmic articles and our book Knowledge Production in Material Spaces: Disturbing Conferences and Composing Events.

I review for a range of ECEC and gender focussed journals and various national and international grant funding bodies. I am an Associate Editor for the Journal of Posthumanism and am on the Editorial Boards of Gender and Education, and Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood. I am also a Steering Group Member of the European Network of Qualitative Inquiry.

I have worked closely with ECEC organisations such as the British Educational Research Association (BERA) Special Interest Group in ECEC and the Early Childhood Studies Degrees Network where I was part of the development of the Graduate Practitioner Competencies and as Co-Vice Chair of Research and Knowledge Exchange.

My previous roles include a Senior Lecturer at the University of Chichester, a Deputy Manager of a Montessori ECEC setting in the UK and I have had various leadership roles in the private sector.

Teaching responsibilities


I teach on our Professional Doctorate in Education and lead two modules - Publication, dissemination and impact and Reserch proposal.

EdD/PhD students

I am happy to consider EdD/PhD inquiries from students who wish explore proposals in Early Childhood Education and Care.

Research outputs


Tags, tagging, tagged, # - undisciplining organ-ization of [academic] bodies

Albin-Clark, J., Benozzo, A., Carey, N., Caterina-Knorr, T., Fairchild, N., Hannes, K., Koro, M., Maynard, E., Taylor, A. J., Taylor, C. A., Zarabadi, S.

1 Jun 2024, In: Culture and Organization. 30, 3, p. 263-289

Pedagogies of mattering: re-conceptualising relational pedagogies in higher education

Fairchild, N., Gravett, K., Taylor, C. A.

18 Mar 2024, In: Teaching in Higher Education. 29, 2, p. 388–403, 16p.

String figuring young children’s perspectives of quality in English Early Childhood Education and Care

Fairchild, N., Mikuska, E.

19 Feb 2024, In: British Educational Research Journal


Family stories: investigating trauma-informed narratives, change behaviours and environments in complex family experiences

Fairchild, N., Maynard, E., Sims-Schouten, W., Warhurst, A.

1 Nov 2023, In: Families, Relationships and Society. 12, 4, p. 519-536

Quality Early Childhood Education and Care practices: the importance of skills, knowledge, and the Early Childhood Graduate Practitioner competencies

Barton, S., Fairchild, N., Mikuska, E., Sabine, A. J. W.

7 Sep 2023, In: International Journal of Early Years Education, 15p.

Covid-19 and the lost hidden curriculum: locating an evolving narrative ecology of Schools-in-Covid

Fairchild, N., Maynard, E., Warhurst, A.

1 Jul 2023, In: Pastoral Care in Education. 41, 3, p. 325-345, 21p.

View all my research outputs