
I am Professor of Innovation Management at the Faculty of Business and Law. I am also Professor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation at the Technical University of Delft, The Netherlands. My research explores innovation policy and how firms manage innovation. I have raised over £500,000 in research funding. Recently, I was Principal Investigator of a study exploring product development opportunities for a firm manufacturing Uninterruptible Power Systems (UPS) in the UK. One of my research projects helped a steel tube manufacturing firm in the UK develop a new product range to help it diversify its very narrow customer base.

I have taught at many different universities around the world including T.U. Munich, Germany, T.U. Delft, The Netherlands, North Carolina, USA. I have successfully supervised over ten PhD research projects. I hold a PhD from Cranfield University.

Research interests

I have published over fifty articles on innovation management. My work has been published in many different journals including: R&D Management, Technovation, Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, Journal of Marketing Theory, International Journal of Innovation Management. My book; Innovation Management & New Product Development is now in its 5th edition and is used all over the world.

Research outputs


How cognitive bias prevents serendipity in new product development (and what to do about it)

Baxter, D., Ellwood, P., Trott, P.

30 May 2024, In: IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. 71, 13p.

Tomorrow is already here: exploring how corporate foresight can contribute to ambidexterity

Marzi, G., Trott, P., Van Der Duin, P.

2 May 2024, In: Strategic Change. 33, 3, p. 187-200

Failed technology management: Introducing ‘future technology myopia’ and how to address it

Ortt, R., Trott, P., Van Der Duin, P.

1 Jan 2024, In: Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 198, 8p., 122927

View all my research outputs