A cross-faculty team of Portsmouth academics have secured the lead editorship of a leading political studies journal for an initial three-year term.
27 September 2024
3 minutes
A cross-faculty team of Portsmouth academics have secured the lead editorship of a leading political studies journal for an initial three-year term.
James Dennis (Faculty of Creative and Cultural Industries (CCI), School of Film, Media, and Creative Technologies), David Norman (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (FHSS), School of Area Studies, Sociology, History, Politics and Literature (SASSHPL)), Nora Siklodi (FHSS, SASSHPL) and Dafydd Townley (Faculty of Business and Law (BAL), Portsmouth Military Education Team) have been successful in securing the lead editorship of the Political Studies Review journal for January 2025 to December 2027.
This marks the first time that a major journal in Politics and International Relations is hosted at Portsmouth, and the very first time one of the flagship journals of the Political Studies Association is hosted at a post-92 university.
This is a significant achievement, recognising our standing in the Politics and International Relations field, the cross-disciplinary research carried out by CEISR, and the University’s institutional research strength as the top modern university for research quality and research power. It will strengthen our REF29 submission, including our environmental statement in Area Studies, support recruitment and marketing in related subjects, and contribute to raising the University’s international profile.
Professor James Ryan, Head of School (Area Studies, Sociology, History, Politics and Literature)
As with any such effort, the team has been fortunate to receive invaluable support from colleagues across our faculties and schools particularly from the members of the Centre for International and European Research (CEISR) and the Faculty of Business and Law.
The lead editors will be joined by SASSHPL-based colleagues Lana Chikhungu, Isabelle Cockel, Rob Frith, Melita Lazell, and Charles Leddy-Owen, and, internationally, Frank Reichert (University of Hong Kong), Olli Hellmann (University of Waikato), and Seyoung Choi (Yonsei University) as Associate Editors.
The team will also benefit from the support of a 30+ strong international advisory board, an editorial assistant (based at Portsmouth) and a PhD intern from the Economic and Social Research Council South Coast Doctoral Training Partnership.
Professor James Ryan, Head of School (Area Studies, Sociology, History, Politics and Literature), said: “This is a significant achievement, recognising our standing in the Politics and International Relations field, the cross-disciplinary research carried out by CEISR, and the University’s institutional research strength as the top modern university for research quality and research power. It will strengthen our REF29 submission, including our environmental statement in Area Studies, support recruitment and marketing in related subjects, and contribute to raising the University’s international profile”.