Explore our five interconnected research themes
Our research aims to make a difference by confronting the major issues and challenges facing the planet and society. Most of our research falls under one or more of our research themes. Discover more about these themes below.
Democratic citizenship
Safe, democratic and sustainable societies rely on the people in them being active, informed and engaged – and our work in this theme deals with issues of equality, citizenship and engagement around the world.

Future and emerging technologies
Our research under this theme is helping make the world a better place – we're making significant breakthroughs, developing new technologies, and finding sustainable, cost-effective ways to transform our knowledge into action.

Health and wellbeing
We're seeking to manage health, disease and disability through technological, creative and scientific developments – by developing and testing new technologies in real settings, and working to understand the mechanisms underlying health and disease.

Security and risk
The modern world presents countless security challenges – from the physical and electronic security of individuals, organisations and societies, to food safety and security, and military drone use. Discover how our work in this theme is helping to tackle these threats.

Sustainability and the environment
From tackling climate change and plastic pollution, to building green infrastructure and protecting the planet's ecological systems and biodiversity, our research is helping to secure the earth's future, at a time of real environmental danger.