The Remote Sensing and Spectroscopy Laboratory is used to teach remote imaging and data processing techniques to MSc Engineering Geology, MSc Geological and Environmental Hazards and MSc Crisis and Disaster Management students. It's also used by MRes Science and PhD students for research projects.

Fitted with Structure from Motion (SfM) processing software and Oculus Rift headsets for virtual field teaching, the lab is ideal for small group software training and virtual reality teaching sessions.

Laboratory work

  • Near Infra-Red (NIRS) spectroscopy - an optical imaging technique that can be used to identify rocks and minerals
  • Drone survey analysis
  • Remote sensing computing facility


  • 10 Oculus Rift headsets - a virtual reality system that completely immerses you inside virtual worlds
  • 10 PC workstations

Where to find us

Remote Sensing and Spectroscopy Laboratory

Burnaby Building
Burnaby Road

Visit us