
I am a Senior Lecturer in Macroeconomics and I serve as the Deputy Director for Postgradaute Research in the Faculty of Business and Law (Economics and Finance). I have over a dozen years of experience teaching economics and related modules, across the undergraduate and postgraduate curricula. My main research focuses on how economic and financial relationships and decision-making change under alternative market conditions, especially in the wake of shocks such as crises, rising uncertainties, and fear.



Before coming to the University of Portsmouth, I held academic positions at the Universities of Keele and the West Indies. I also had a stint in banking supervision at the Central Bank of Trinidad and Tobago, where I obtained practitioner experience in the areas of anti-money laundering, credit risk assessment, and financial stability analysis. 


  • PhD Economics | University of Keele
  • PGCert Higher Education Teaching | University of Keele
  • MPhil Agricultural Economics | University of the West Indies
  • MSc Economics and Econometrics | University of Nottingham
  • BSc Economics | University of the West Indies


Scholarly activities

I have provided guest lectures at other UK institutions, teaching at the Universities of Oxford (level 7, PGT) and Coventry (level 6, UG). Each year, I also present my latest research at international conferences. I regularly review for a number of international scholarly journals in the fields of economics, finance, and other related disciplines. During my own PhD studies, I served as the Keele Business School PhD student representative and helped orgainse the Annual Social Sciences PGR Symposium at Keele University in 2017 and 2018. I continue to regularly organise and coordinate doctoral research events and training activities for PhD students, in the School of Accounting, Economics and Finance; in the Centre for Innovative and Sustainable Finance; and across the wider university. I also served on the local organising committee for the 54th Annual Conference of the Money, Macro and Finance Society held in Portsmouth in September 2023. In the past, I also held the role of PhD Programme Lead for the Centre for Innovative and Sustainable Finance

Research interests

My research interests are in the areas of macro-finance; energy and environmental economics; and sustainable development. I have published articles in prestigious academic journals such as the Canadian Journal of Economics; Economics Letters; Energy Economics; Journal of Development Studies; Journal of Environmental Management; Risk Analysis; Finance Research Letters; The North American Journal of Economics and Finance; The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance; and Journal of Economic Issues. I have also written chapter and encyclopaedia entries for books in energy finance and energy economics. My work also features in The Conversation media outlet. 

I welcome PhD applications, in my areas of interest, from suitably qualified candidates.

Current PhD students:

  • K Stoner - energy economics and finance (co-supervised with Prof L Hunt and Dr N Blampied - Masaryk University).
  • K Goseine - environmental modelling (co-supervised with Prof N Williams and Dr A Seenath - U. of Oxford).
  • C Kim - energy finance (co-supervised with Dr C Jones and Dr K Roberts).

Completed PhD Students:

  • S Moonsammy - sustainability (co-supervised with Prof A Thorpe). Graduate destination: University of Guyana. 
  • U Chewpreecha - energy and environmental economic policy (co-supervised with Dr G Magkonis). Graduate Destination: World Bank.
  • A Rahaman - debt sustainability (co-supervised with Dr G Magkonis). Graduate destination: Cayman Islands Monetary Authority.
  • P Acciari – taxation and inequality (co-supervised with Dr F Alberti). Graduate destination: Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance. 

Visiting Scholar mentorship:

  • N Blampied – macroeconomics – University of Genoa – completed (fall/winter 2022). Graduate destination: Masaryk University.

Teaching responsibilities

I currently contribute to the following modules:

  • M30870 Advanced Economics (level 6 - UG; module coordinator; macroeconomics lecturer)
  • M30871 Economics Research Project (level 6 - UG; supervisor)
  • M20472 MSc Research Methods and Dissertation (level 7 - PG; supervisor)
  • M30888 Personal Development Planning for Economists (level 6 - UG; personal tutor)

In the past, I have also coordinated and taught on M20444 International Economics (level 5 - UG) and M25292 Economics (level 7 - PGT). I have also guest lectured on M20461 Development Economics (level 6 - UG) and provided pastoral care for M30887 Personal Development Planning for Economists (level 5 - UG). I am BMC certified and I have provided Bloomberg terminal demonstrations on Open Days and Applicant Experience Days for both Keele and Portsmouth Business Schools. 

Research outputs


Decision-making under flood predictions: a risk perception study of coastal real estate

Blackett, M., Mahadeo, S. M. R., Seenath, A.

4 Jan 2025, In: Risk Analysis


Public perceptions of nature-based coastal solutions in the UK

Catterson, J., Mahadeo, S. M. R., Seenath, A.

16 Nov 2024, In: Journal of Environmental Management

Airline industry equities under external uncertainty shocks

Blampied, N., Mahadeo, S. M. R.

1 Nov 2024, In: Economics Letters. 244, 4p., 111994

Fiscal reaction functions augmented with bespoke debt indicators: evidence from small island states

Mahadeo, S. M. R., Rahaman, A.

1 Oct 2024, In: The Journal of Development Studies. 60, 10, 17p.

Environmentally clean and dirty energy equities during extraordinary global conditions

Mahadeo, S. M. R.

1 Sep 2024, In: Journal of Environmental Management. 368, 15p., 122227

A critical assessment of the debt-to-GDP ratio in developing countries

Mahadeo, S. M. R., Rahaman, A.

16 Apr 2024, In: Journal of Economic Issues

There will be more elections in 2024 than ever before – here’s how it could affect financial markets

Heinlein, R., Legrenzi, G. D., Mahadeo, S. M. R.

8 Jan 2024, In: The Conversation


Uncertainties under monetary tightening and easing shocks and different market states

Blampied, N., Mahadeo, S. M. R.

13 Apr 2023, In: Finance Research Letters, 103834

Oil and US stock market shocks: implications for Canadian equities

Heinlein, R., Mahadeo, S. M. R.

19 Feb 2023, In: Canadian Journal of Economics. 56, 1, p. 247-287, 41p.

View all my research outputs