
Yuksel joined the University of Portsmouth in 2017 from Henley Business School, University of Reading, where he was Professor of Marketing and Director of Postgraduate Research for the marketing subject group. Before that, he spent 14 years at Oxford Brookes University and the University of Surrey. At the University of Portsmouth, Yuksel currently teaches Research Methods to postgraduate and undergaduate students.

As an active researcher and an international academic, Yuksel has participated in the Research Excellence Framework (REF) in 2001, 2008, 2014 and 2021 since starting his academic career in the UK. His work has contributed to better understanding of consumer behaviour, business research methods and brand management.  He has authored/co-authored two books, many book chapters, conference papers and peer-reviewed journal articles. His academic work was published in international marketing journals such as the Journal of Advertising, Journal of Business Research, European Journal of Marketing, Psychology & Marketing, Annals of Tourism Research, Journal of Travel Research, Tourism Management, International Journal of Human Resources Management. His work has been cited 16300 times. Additionaly Yuksel has supervised 27 doctoral & over 200 postgraduate students to successful completion.  He is an editorial board member of several marketing and tourism journals. Yuksel was recognised by - a prominent academic platform for scientists - in their 2022 Ranking of Top 1500 International Scientists in the area of Best Business and Management Scientists and among the top two per cent of the most cited scholars in the world based on the list produced by Stanford University and Elsevier in 2023. He is a member of the Agile Centre for Equitable Sustainability and Experimental Research Cluster.

Yuksel is deeply interested in the practical side of marketing and is passionate about finding solutions to applied marketing problems.  Before joining academia, he worked in the hotel and tourism industry. Since then he has completed consultancy projects dealing with marketing research and international brand strategy development for public and private organisations in the UK and Europe. His clients included notable companies such as Carabao, IBM, Ogilvy, BSkyB, Danish Telecom, QCi ltd, among others.

Research outputs


Examining the impact of joint brand advertising on perceived destination brand authenticity

Can, A. S., Ekinci, Y., Pino, G.

26 Nov 2024, In: International Journal of Advertising

More than law-abiding: a multi-staged consumer study on brand morality

Ekinci, Y., Sit, K. (., Wei, Y.

11 Oct 2024, In: Psychology and Marketing

The dark side of brands: exploring fear of missing out, obsessive brand passion, and compulsive buying

Adams, E. D., Ekinci, Y., Gordon-Wilson, S., Japutra, A.

28 Sep 2024, In: Journal of Business Research. 186, 11p., 114990

The effect of gastronomy experience on destination loyalty in Kazakhstan

Ekinci, Y., Tagmanov, U., Ulema, Ş.

22 Aug 2024, In: Anatolia: An International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research, 20p.

Fantasy or reality? Unveiling the power of realistic narratives in tourism social media advertising

Can, A. S., Dilek Fidler, S., Ekinci, Y.

3 Jul 2024, In: Tourism Management. 106, 16p., 104998

Customer definitions of moral value for retail brands: a qualitative understanding

Ekinci, Y., Sit, K., Wei, Y.

1 Mar 2024, In: Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services. 77, 12p., 103697

View all my research outputs