You have a right to make a complaint if you apply to study with us and have concerns about how your application was processed. Our Student Casework team also handles complaints from applicants to study at the University. 

We monitor complaints made about applications. Complaints help us to learn and improve the work we do. 

Before you make a complaint

You should discuss your concerns informally with the University Admissions Centre ( before you register a complaint.

What you can complain about

You can complain about:

  • how your application was handled
  • not being offered a place
  • your fee classification or assessment

If you haven't been offered a place

If your complaint is about not receiving an offer to study with us or you have new evidence to change our decision, you should contact us for feedback on your application before making a complaint.

You cannot complain about not receiving an offer to study with us if you do not meet non-academic requirements such as professional experience or relevant health requirements.

Fee classifications and assessment

If your complaint is about the fee classification you've been awarded, you should contact

Studying with a partner institution

If you applied to study a course at one of our partner institutions, you need to raise your complaint with the relevant institution and follow their complaints procedure.

Making a formal complaint

If you are unhappy with the outcome of informal discussions about your complaint, you may submit a formal complaint. To submit a complaint, contact us at or complete the online Complaint Form. You need to make your complaint as soon as reasonably possible, and no later than 20 working days from when the matter you're complaining about happened, or from when you have completed attempts at informal resolution. 

You should include:

  • the background to your complaint
  • details of the informal attempts you have made to resolve the complaint and of the member of staff with whom you discussed the matter
  • why the result of the informal attempt is not satisfactory
  • the desired outcome of your complaint

We will decide whether an investigation is necessary based on your evidence. If we feel that you have not exhausted the informal complaints procedure or that you do not like your application decision but there are no grounds for changing the decision, we may decide not to investigate your complaint. If this is the case, you will be told within 10 working days of the receipt of your complaint.

Making an anonymous complaint

We cannot usually accept anonymous complaints because these cannot be investigated or resolved properly without being able to refer to specific details of the complaint. You will not be disadvantaged for making a genuine complaint.

Investigating your formal complaint

If we decide that a formal investigation is necessary, we will decide what format that investigation should take. In most cases, and where the issues are straightforward, the Casework team will investigate your concerns and respond to you within 10 working days of the receipt of your complaint. The decision of the Casework team is final. 

If we decide that a more detailed investigation is necessary, the investigation will be carried out by the head of the department or school to which you applied, or the Academic Registrar in cases of fee appeals. This will be completed within 30 working days once your complaint is referred to that individual.

You will be invited to discuss your complaint with the investigator, either in person or virtually. You will receive a written report of findings once the investigation is complete, which may include recommended actions to resolve your complaint. The decision of the individual carrying out the investigation is final.

If there are any recommended actions a member of staff will be selected to decide whether to follow the recommendations or take other actions to remedy the complaint. They will do this within 10 days of receiving the report. You will be sent a letter outlining the decision and in most cases this will close the complaint. However, if you are a current student of the University and you are applying for admission to a new course at the University and you are unhappy with the outcome of your complaint, you may be able to submit a complaint to the Office of the Independent Adjudicator For Higher Education (OIA). Where relevant, the Casework team will supply you with a Completion of Procedures letter. 

We will pay reasonable expenses incurred in making the complaint of up to £50. This could include travel costs to attend an interview about the complaint. You will need to provide receipts as evidence of the costs.

Withdrawing your complaint

You may withdraw your complaint at any time by contacting the member of staff who is dealing with your complaint. This will close your complaint.