If you’re nervous about making a Clearing phone call, this blog will help you prepare and know what to say when you ring us up on or around results day

3 min read

During the Clearing process you’ll need to ring up the university you’re interested in so someone at the University can confirm that you'll eligible for a course, and make sure there’s room for you.

In most cases, the person on the phone will make note of your details and confirm your grades. In some cases, you’ll be asked some Clearing phone call questions to determine whether the course is right for you.

We understand that making a phone call can be nervewracking, especially on a day like results day. To make the experience as positive as possible, read our tips and tricks below to help you prepare. And, remember the person on the other end wants to help you.

How to prepare for a Clearing phone call

Clearing Hotline: +44 (0)23 9284 8090

Before reaching for the phone we recommend:

  • Doing some research. Read the course modules, learn about the University’s clubs and societies, explore the city and have a look at the accommodation. Knowing about these things will help you answer additional Clearing questions during your phone call. 
  • Writing notes. Have a pen and paper handy to jot down important information. You may be asked to phone back at a certain time, or you may want to write down points you can say during the call before you ring.  
  • Practising with a friend or relative. Run through what you want to say with someone you trust before you make the call. This will help you feel more confident and practise answering some of the questions you may be asked.

If you’d rather have us call you, sign up for Priority Clearing and beat waiting in the queue.

Our top tips for a smooth Clearing phone call:

  1. Note down your UCAS ID Number, Clearing number and grades, so you have them to hand. 
  2. Have a copy of your personal statement nearby that you can refer to. 
  3. Take the call in a quiet room, to minimise disruption. 
  4. Make sure your phone has enough battery. 
  5. Have a trusted friend or family member sit next to you if you need extra support, or if you want them to do the talking. You’ll need to give your permission before someone can speak on your behalf. 
  6. Don’t be afraid of changing your mind. Thank the person on the phone for their time, then end the call and look for something else. 
  7. Discuss your enthusiasm for the course, and don’t be shy about showing off — we want to hear about your achievements.

Explore our Undergraduate courses to see what you could study.

What to say on the phone during Clearing

It's helpful to know what kinds of questions you’ll be asked, so you can prepare your answers before you call. 

Most universities will ask you the following questions: 

  • What course are you interested in? 
  • Why do you want to study this course?
  • Why do you want to study at this university? 
  • What makes you the ideal student to study this course? (Do you have relevant experience or knowledge related to the degree)? 
  • What would you like to do once you graduate?
  • How do you stay motivated?

Before ringing up or answering your phone, we advise you to have some ideas on how to answer these questions.

Clearing opens on the 5th of July 2024 and closes on the 21st of October 2024. 

Hibah Malik – BA (Hons) Media and Digital Practice

Hibah had already accepted an offer from a different university when she changed her mind about where where she wanted to study. She found the course for her at Portsmouth through Clearing.

Marketing Campaigns, Clearing case studies 2019
Discover Hibah's Clearing story

Dominic Reynolds – BEng (Hons) MEng Mechanical Engineering

When Dominic's grades were lower that he expected, he rang us to talk about applying to Portsmouth through Clearing and secured his place with us.

Clearing student crouching on a bench
Discover Dominic's Clearing story

Jessica Howes - BA (Hons) International Development

Jess knew she wanted to study Portsmouth. She used Clearing to explore our courses and change her degree subject before she arrived.

Jessica Howes
Discover Jess's Clearing Story