Student measures temperature of container, taking notes in notebook at Technology Facilities

Protecting People and Places

Enabling and empowering individuals to achieve common goals safely while improving and maintaining the health of the University Community.

The Corporate Health and Safety Department provides help, advice and support to effectively manage health and safety across all departments and activities including teaching, research, staff and students. It also ensures that the University understands and carries out their legal and moral responsibilities in relation to the health, safety and welfare of staff, students, contractors and members of the public. To contact the Department, call +44 2392 843075 or email


University Health and Safety

Health, Safety and Wellbeing is the responsibility of everyone and any individual carrying out work on behalf of or in connection with the University. It is an integral and important part of everyone’s duties. The University’s commitment to Health, Safety and Wellbeing is equal to all other values, aims and objectives and considers a good health and safety culture together with a secure environment to work and learn in, fundamental to its success. 


The University recognises and accepts that it is responsible for complying with Health and Safety legislation and ensuring the Health, Safety and Wellbeing of its employees and others who may be affected by its business. Through information, instruction and training, the University seeks to provide and maintain effective management by implementation of appropriate and necessary health and safety arrangements. 


The Health and Safety Statement of Commitment and Policy is approved by the University Health and Safety Committee, University Executive Board and the Board of Governors. The policy has been drafted to the latest USHA guidance for best practice for managing health and safety within Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), approved by the Universities and Colleges Employers Association (UCEA). 


The USHA guidance for best practice is based upon the Health and Safety Executive’s ‘Plan, Do, Check, Act’ management standards. In complying with the USHA guidance, the University as an employer is well placed to ensure compliance with best practice and legal requirements for managing health and safety. 


Our Commitment

Discover our commitment and approach to managing health and safety within the University and how we encourage and promote a positive Health and Safety Culture.
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Our Policy

Our Health and Safety Policy outlines how we organise and arrange for managing health and safety and is supported by arrangements which form a part of our management system.
Only to be used for CCI Promotion purposes
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Managing health and safety

To protect our people and places our risks must be effectively managed, controlled and mitigated where possible. To do this, our people at all levels, must understand their responsibilities and risks within their activities and their localities and give proportionate attention to each of them.
Student writing an exam paper
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Get in touch

The Corporate Health and Safety Team provide advice and guidance relating to all Health and Safety matters within the University.
Lauren Steadman Gold Event
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Report It

We encourage staff and students to report all incidents related to our activities. Reporting incidents, accidents, near misses and hazards are essential to enable us improve the University’s health and safety management. No matter how small, report to us.
Forensic and Criminology exhibitions - Open Day 2023
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