Biological and Genetic Modification Safety Committee

The Genetically Modified Organisms (Contained Use) Regulations, place a statutory duty on the University, as an employer wishing to conduct activities involving genetic modification, to establish a safety committee known as the Biological and Genetic Modification Safety Committee (BGMSC) prior to commencing these activities.



The Biological and Genetic Modification Safety Committee (BGMSC) reports to the Corporate Health, Safety and Wellbeing Committee and has no executive powers, other than those specifically delegated in the terms of reference. It has been established in accordance with the requirements of section 16 of the Genetically Modified Organisms (Contained Use) Regulations, the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act, the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations, the Safety Representatives and Safety Committee Regulations 1977 and Health and Safety (Consultation with Employees) Regulations 1996. 


The University recognises and accepts that it is responsible for complying with Health and Safety legislation and seeks to provide and maintain effective management by implementation of appropriate and necessary arrangements to achieve this. 

BGMSC Purpose

We are committed to developing a positive health and safety culture and the purpose of the Corporate Health, Safety and Wellbeing Committee is to establish this and support the delivery of the strategy and values. The Biological and Genetic Modification Safety Committee supports the Corporate Health, Safety and Wellbeing Committee in achieving its objectives specifically in relation to the associated activities. It provides assurances of effective management of Biological and Genetic Modification activities, this will be done by offering constructive challenge, through the independent and objective review and scrutiny of the effectiveness of the University’s arrangements. It advises on all matters relating to Biological and Genetic Modification work and activities at the University.


The Biological and Genetic Modification Safety Committee also provides the Corporate Health, Safety and Wellbeing Committee with assurance that the University’s Biological and Genetic Modification governance processes comply with regulatory requirements and industry best practice and are fit-for-purpose.


The Chair of the Biological and Genetic Modification Safety Committee is appointed by the Corporate Health, Safety and Wellbeing Committee for a maximum of three terms, each term does not exceed two years (normally a maximum six years in office). The Chair of the Corporate Health, Safety and Wellbeing Committee is ineligible to be appointed as chair. In the absence of the Chair, an appointed Vice Chair will preside over the meeting.


Core Members

  • Chair – As appointed by Corporate Health, Safety and Wellbeing Committee
  • Vice Chair – Biological Safety Officer
  • Biological Safety Supervisor (Committee Secretary)
  • Head of Health and Safety (representative from Corporate Health and Safety)
  • Principle Investigator representative
  • Senior Researcher representative
  • Manager of Bio-resources


Academic Members

The Head of School for each school working with biological agents or genetic modification.


Technical Members

A technical staff member representative(s) that have significant experience with biological agents and genetic modification as nominated by the Faculty Manager(s), one for each Faculty.


Co-Opted Members

On invitation only, ordinarily submission of reports and / or minutes. Any other specialist member by exception where required.



Governors and Executive Directors (save those who are members) may attend periodically by invitation as part of the mechanism for board assurance. A nominated Biological Safety Supervisor shall be the secretary to the Committee and will provide administrative support. 


A quorum will be 50% of members in addition to the Chair or Vice Chair, members are expected to attend at least 75% of meetings annually.  Delegation of membership to another member of staff is by exception only. 


Meetings will normally be held on a triannual basis. Additional meetings may be scheduled where necessary.


The Biological and Genetic Modification Safety Committee is authorised by the Corporate Health, Safety and Wellbeing Committee to act in respect of any activity within its Terms of Reference.  It is authorised to seek any information it requires from any faculty, school, service, department, or employee and all employees are directed to co-operate with any request made.  


The University of Portsmouth Biological and Genetic Modification Safety Committee have been delegated the following duties and responsibilities, primarily, to act as a central coordinating body for matters concerning the University’s biological and genetic modification management, decide Policy and agree action plans to be submitted to the Corporate Health, Safety and Wellbeing Committee where necessary and to carry out reviews and/or other work as directed by the Corporate Health, Safety and Wellbeing Committee.


Biological and Genetic Modification Safety Committee has oversight of all activity which may present a Biological / Genetic Modification risk to humans and escalates operational issues of concern for investigation and resolution. The Committee, receives, advises and manages the risk management process and assessment for:


  • All contained use activities in relation to the Genetically Modified Organisms (Contained Use) Regulations,
  • All hazard group 2 and 3 contained use activities in relation to the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (as amended) Regulations,
  • All activities involving animal pathogens under Schedule 1 of the Specified Animal Pathogens Order,
  • All activities involving agents under Part 7, Schedule 5 of the Anti-Terrorism, Crime and Security Act,


To review Biological and Genetic Modification risk assessments to effectively discharge the University’s responsibilities under The Genetically Modified Organisms (Contained Use) Regulations.


To delegate consent for commencement of Biological and Genetic Modification Activity Class 1 projects, Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Hazard group 2 contained use activities and the use of biological toxins, to the Biological Safety Officer ahead of formal review by the Committee.


Have oversight of all Biological and Genetic Modification management audit findings and to check that all major non-conformities resulting from these audits are completed within the required timescales.


Review the effectiveness of the Biological and Genetic Modification arrangements and protocols.


Gain assurance that records and documentation are stored by the appropriate project for audit purposes.


Provides oversight, technical guidance, review, and final approvals for all work involving biological hazards, including the development of risk assessments.


Reviews incidents and inspections (including infrastructure) relating to biological and genetic modification risks and hazards.


Recommends changes to policy and practice including legislative or best practice guidance/updates.


Recommends and advises on training requirements, and monitors completion of training, for staff potentially exposed to biological and Genetic Modification risks and hazards.


To determine prioritised actions, significant health and/or safety risks to University employees, students and others affected by the University’s operations and those who the University has a responsibility for including premises.


To discuss and review statistics relating to biological and genetic modification operations and agree appropriate actions to improve performance, disseminating relevant information regarding lessons learnt throughout the University.


Where appropriate to seek out and promote areas of good practice.

Communication and Reporting

The minutes of the Biological and Genetic Modification Safety Committee meetings shall be formally recorded.


The Chair of the Biological and Genetic Modification Safety Committee shall draw to the attention of the Corporate Health, Safety and Wellbeing Committee on a minimum of a triannual basis where necessary, any issues that require disclosure or action. Such a report shall include, but will not be limited to, functions undertaken in connection with any pertinent matters in respect of Biological and Genetic Modification Management and Operations.

Standing Agenda

The Biological and Genetic Modification Safety Committee has agreed that the following standard agenda items include:



  • Apologies for absence
  • Minutes of previous meeting
  • Title of the projects submitted to the committee, principal investigator(s), department(s), location(s) of work to be carried out and suitable risk assessment
  • Agreed classification of the project(s) including containment level and whether notification to the HSE is required.
  • Current project schedule, status and review
  • Biological Safety Officer updates
  • Biological Supervisor updates
  • Inspection schedule, status of inspections and outcomes of any actions
  • Any other Business
  • Agreed outcomes and Actions to be taken
  • Date of Next Meeting